Great results, personalized service, and affordable prices so every family has access to the representation they need.
In addition to offering traditional representation to clients looking to begin again personally and financially, Kinnett & Cordes ( Formerly Woody Law Firm, LLC ) offers limited representation (unbundled) services to those clients who may benefit from the ability to manage their own cases while still receiving effective legal advice through consultation on an as-needed basis. Under this model, clients receive legal advice specific to their needs without having to commit to a high retainer or ongoing attorney-client relationship. Such services may include:
Read more about Unbundled Legal Services on the Colorado Supreme Court Website. After all, some legal advice is better – and can be less expensive in the long run – than no legal advice!
Attorney Jim Delman serves as a Parenting Coordinator/Decision Maker for families who would benefit from some assistance in making decisions together with the help of a neutral third party, but who do not have the time or resources to await and navigate the traditional courthouse process. Call us for more information!
Woody Law Firm provides pro bono representation to eligible individuals only upon referral directly from Metro Volunteer Lawyers or the Colorado Bar Association’s Appellate Pro Bono Program.
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